Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Cone Of Shame

Poor Tater!! The Boy hasn't had a good week at all. he's been scratching for a fortnight or so, and the vet says it's an allergy, probably to something he's eating, which to be honest doesn't really narrow it down much. So he's on a diet, the Science Diet Lamb & Rice Puppy Formula. He's not allowed to eat normal dog food, which pretty much means that Poppy 's on the same diet. No treats, no eating food from the table, no nuthin'. I even saw El Jeffe feeding the poor thing carrots this evening, and he was wolfing them down like they were chicken legs. He's also had a steroid shot, which calms the itch for 4 days or so but makes him pee like a racehorse. We're awake 3 times each night just to stop him flooding the kitchen. Worst of all, though, he has to wear The Cone Of Shame. Oh, the ignominy of it, such a handsome little chap, forced into public ridicule. I asked him if he could get BBC America on it. He wasn't amused. Poppy thinks it's hilarious, especially because Tater can't see past the edge of the cone and bumps into stuff until he just sits, grumbling and refusing to move. Oh, and he's hurt his shoulder, so he can't go on long walks for a month. Or chase stuff. Or go swimming. Nothing to do but eat carrots and bite Daddy. Life's hard for a little dog. And until his sharp little puppy teeth are gone, it's not great for his owners, either.

Thought for the day - Dogs have owners. Cats have staff. Night, all.

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