Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Come, friendly sleep, and shroud me in thy purple cloak...

Well, it's been three weeks since we brought our new puppy home, and true to form he's completely rotten. We might have gotten maybe four hours of sleep last night what with peeing, biting, wriggling and barking (and that's just El Jeffe and myself) so as you can imagine we're all a little tired and cranky. I've started getting forgetful - I walked down to the Emergency room at the hospital today and had to telephone a colleague back in X-ray to ask her why I'd gone down there. El Jeffe, too, is becoming increasingly erratic due to lack of sleep. Fortunately little Tater seems to be slowly getting the idea that he has to pee & poop in the yard so we should be getting some more sleep by Labor Day, or more likely Thanksgiving. If he's still not behaving by then I'll glue some feathers on him, poke some stuffing up his hiney and serve him up with carrots and collard greens.

Something that has started to worry me - I'm due to go to Britain on the 12th of September, and what with the discovery of the terrorist plot in Britain I think I'm in for a rough trip. I'm not going to get all political, at least not in this part of the blog, but I do feel that life as we all knew it changed irrevocably on 9/11/2001. I'm not a politician, or an activist, or even particularly knowledgable about the various political situations across the globe, yet I have an uneasy, creeping feeling that the world at large needs to be on it's guard. It's not enough, apparently, to claim to be a blissfully unaware innocent. We may not be involved personally, or have ever been to any of these countries, or indeed even know anyone from them on a personal level, yet we have all become targets, pawns, somehow representative of everything that is supposedly wrong with our society, and I just think it's a shame that our children won't be able to preserve their childhood innocence in the way that we were.

I'm going to leave that subject for now. Tater has just preserved his own puppyhood for a little longer by 'assuming the position' beneath my desk. I'm going to take him out to pee. Then I'm off to buy collard greens and glue.

Thought for the day - money is just something you need in case you don't die in your sleep tonight. Night, all.

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