Well, Tater, has had a bad week. He has a torn ACL, which he got wrestling with me while getting his monthly bath, and last Friday he had some corrective surgery on it. The vet re-aligned his knee and put in a little plate & some screws, which should sort his leg out.
Trouble is, he has to remain very still - no going out for walks, no running or jumping, no swimming - for four weeks, and of course he's bored witless already. Worse still, he's had half his butt shaved, and a nasty pain-patch and some surgical clips put on his leg. So last night he decided to chew his clips out in a fit of pique while El Jeffe and I were out walking Poppy.
We arrived back home at 2am this morning, after a harrowing trip to the emergency vet. The guy took pity on us, and did the reclosure for around $65, a real bargain for animal medicine, especially in the wee small hours. Needless to say, Tater got a good telling off and will be sporting the Cone of Shame (see earlier post, October '06) for a while. We're just glad the vet said that the clips he's eaten will pass harmlessly through, although I secretly hope he gets a little reminder as they go through his rear end. Kinda like wiping your butt with a ripped up magazine without first checking to see that you took all the staples out. Serves the little toad right.
Thought for the day - don't chew off more than you can swallow.
Night, all.